
A River Runs Through It…

Punning as i am on movie titles as i went shopping this morening for adventure, I got a river of booze coming.  your life raft of making sure I do not swim alone is appreciated.

I know christmas or holiday stuff is a LONG longlong way out still but i have a minor bit of means extra NOW so it’s now or..never.


I don’t know about you and your travels but i enjoyed investigating things like Smoke hill Vineyards of Kansas…for wine…are you serious???  yes, yes i am.  Ienjoyed looking into the discovery of catawba wine which for those who do not know, is singularly both fun as in inexpensive sorta sometimes and table special as in not overtly fancy at all.  however it does have one benefit hidden within it… catawba…the same red snack grape in the grocery store is as a wine perfect at shadowing the point where spice takes hold of your mouth and threatens a dark alley rumble that will likely contnue all the way through you… it shadows that note as in to say hides some of it.  out of sight smiles of brightness can continue onwards as out of sight?  …..out of mind.


well when i got to finally try it, I also tried some from stone hill winery of herman missouri a swift trip later.  I considered my favorite michigan winery St julian but was thinking after a taste profile that was dryier than Michigan lending a diabetic notes’ offerings.  so stone hill it was of hermann missouri.  – yes first this Kansas Talk and now MNISERY….MISSOURI? for wine?  well yeah actually Missouri probably saved France once upon a time as we too grow grape and thus have plants thus if theirs blight we can help get something in place for them… the world shouldn’t be without WINE.  is this TRUE?  probably i don’t care so no reference for YOU.

I thus with other offering have some catawba coming.

why then is this not the end of it and whoo carrrres about my shopping list anyways??  YOU do.  tourism is jobs people want and cash they need for easier and enjoyable at least work to live.  😀  even if your town is not going to rival the hooty folk any timne soon!   so what.

maybe you want to watch some grapes grow and stir a vat of booze instead of shovel sha poo poo or schlep some heavy junk to and from one corner of the universe and back.

andnow back to …parody coming I know it…..

Boooze River, ne’er brighter was your smile

a waking dream this while – ’til day

yes bartender, stir or shake your shake

just keep ’em flowing  copisously my way…


okay enough mnaking fun of Moon river and now back to the point. touring if not always in grand style, getting out and having fun.   Cartawba offers this  in that if you pay careful attention to what i said, it literally takes away the spicey note of hot foods to some degree.  SOME!  if you’re expecting to win the atomic lava wings eating championship and you know you’re a sissy wuss, the wine will not save you?!  if you’d like some wine is . romance with some backyard bbq?  come to the bottle!

now obviously i had to just special order at rape rate my stuff from out of state…right?  now I got mine in the six dollars and change a bottle with multiple bottles purchased discounts from

seriously, asside from the minor hassle of having to enter my name choose to be on a mailing list and or join a wine club… it isn’t that hard to click add to basket!  it is not available to everyone’s location i am sorry but you may try your luck.  I had that issue come up with my next purchase set where i got allll the way to pay for it screen and kicked out as it’s not available for shipment to my location?? are you freaking kidding me?? dang.  so promptly went out and got it somewhere where they lie better on their paperwork thabn that place!!! 😀   anyways do keep in mind some states prohibit shipping of booze to some degree to them and the cost for international orders and their customs may be beyond this company or any.  i don’t know i like my choice. I hope you too have a fun experience.


so a case including the above with a dry rose for mr has to have chicken mainly dietary reasons and some birthday action in a hopefully great white… that’s that.

now apple brandy.  i got some for the first time in twenty years it seems! woot!  some stuff i likely can’t open til the holidays as someone seriouslyly doesn’t need the stuff but oo lala, i LIKE apple brandy as in “applejack” not sewer water siren strong white lightning please gawd don’t. stay down awful made from apples satan fuel …not everything is good to me if you can’t tell.  I have picked “emons” so.  lets hope the novia scotian calvados is a tip my hat to Canada, along with my…burp..hat to norway…france..neworleans for the bitters and probably california for the vermouth….  i also got the stuff to get after a drink known as a ‘norwegian woods” which includes apple brandy  as in apple cider. brandy not apple flavor bullcrap.  yes my nose is at high tilt stay away birds on a mission i don’t need the doo dooing as you fly away target achieved!    apple brandy aquavit or whichever way you’d like it spelt, chartreuse sweet vermouth, and bitters … outght be an evil enough spcy apply sorta thing!    hot damn is chartreuse expensibe  but i did get a fancy yellow vep type- which means i can 😉 make a whole lot of spiked fancy french-ed up hot chocolates   screaming insensibly in higschool french…Jaune Chaud!  Jaune Chaud!! yellow hot,  yellow hot.

or the idea given 😉


the linie aquavit, jaune vep chartreuse, boulard xo calvados come with a taster of hennessey black so i can demonstrate that apple jack is in fact NOT brandy at all yet far smoother than say a bicardi belting. rum.


and thus if you wish to chase a czech egg, visit kansas and the made from scratch eatery next to my humble liquor store of exploration of finding smokey hill vineyard’s pink lady and it was good beatt out stone hill anyways but I have a reason to compromise in that i wanted a; the discount and be something smokey hill didn’t offer which is a wicked ice white in effect or late harvest…stuff went to raisins on the vine sweeter than all get out cojmparitively  if you know wine any and this is a vignoles not some german i can’t pronounce even if the winery is german and the town too very german.  and far fancier   take tour the link to it’s above or a picture of that big egg and a notation for made from scratch….

Wilson, KS – Worlds Largest Hand-Painted Czech Egg

Roadside America280 × 373Search by image

Worlds Largest Hand-Painted Czech Egg

Extra Credit if you hit up,  sorry doesn’t ship out of missouri – thus doesn’t list his excelling pecan wine or jalepeno murder either but 😉 here it is… get MOVING!  go jelly legs the miswest!


I still am haunted by hearing action music for hole-digging in Kansas…it was a horrying life experience that  science channel preview on history channel 2  oi i’s been ten years and it still hurts!  but fire up the music and get a move on! here?


By Starman Jones

Everything and Nothing interests me. I cook read, write and even have to clean. I SHOULD NOTE: I'm 40 something.

8 replies on “A River Runs Through It…”

you may remember Seedsower’s get your kicks on route sixty-six trip. I have had fun in that i got to get to some of that stuff including uranus chocolate factory outside of ft leonard wood MO. obviously I’m not on the road this particular instant as this is a last year set of memories …snaps fingers 😉 save for the new wine and such not. but 😉 it’s actually rather impressive some of the call to tourism that isn’t pure gutter water – I really did enjoy the alma creamery, the granite cathedral middle of nowhere to MY thinking… or colorado’s Bishop’s Castle about the last major site I saw. or the perhaps up and coming cortez perhaps area WINE in desert colorado?? what will they think of next? dang state intakes too much Marijuanna, dont they know it’s Acme Urban Expansion! just take away water? (if you’ve a social consciousness, think how the Flint michigan water source was sold to Nestle so the alternate and highly inferior sources were allll they get now but you can buy. you some of your original water in that region from the groveries!! 😉 or you can remember that fracking is HUGE with the last election sets as it is the only economy on offer for some places yet lol we with any brains know nothing is “free” so what a surprise land rights and other concerns are squishied here and there til FIGHTS errupt is far more contentious out there now— but, there is still some coolness to be found…yes, driving by a darn huge egg in the middle of a proud Kansas town! 😉 would you laugh that nestle having moved corporate offices out of us areas for taxes and better golden parachutes for all is selling off baby ruth and butterfingers? because “they’re losing money?” lol they’re not- but i’d bet you serious money there are some tax dodges they need into that aren’t possible keeping those thing/products and or some retirements about to occur in the heart of Europe 😉 I am not cynacle on this it is natural but there is a smell…. it is on the order of a kevin bloody wilson of Australia…a comedian… who is by the way exceedingly rude… but ” Rotarua is a stop on his many tourings and it is a natural hot springs of new zealand …tourist trap…. of which he says…yeah, rotarua, it’s malay for who farted! if you’ve never been to a natural hotsprings that sounds far ruder than it is actually laughingly true. 😉 but still. there often is a smell out there 😉

Hole digging? Music???
Swing low, sweet chariot?

I’ve got grapes aplenty outside and would’ve let you make wine with them if you’d been here. They are probably spoiled soon.

Here I was thinking Texas grapes saved France. No idea why or where I would’ve heard it. I bet they taste better there. 😀
I enjoyed my presidente bottle. I’m trying to remember if I was able to set it on fire.

I don’t think there will be that many!

Funny, I never even thought of raisins. There are seeds though. ?

it’s THE PITS but yes, fruit does tend to contain seeds 😉 heheheh – seedless varieties aren’t really truly seedless but picked in a manner that hadn’t given the later developing seeds time to develop which is also a bit of magic voodoo in which TYPE of plant one had. while this is an apples to oranges comparison 😉 heh – take apples. there is a LOT of variety of a very difinable apple taste, some being green other red, some yellow and some with or without pinking/redding flesh and then a different way to order the tastes…. you can have bitter bitter sharp sharp and another I forget but already you’ve a lot of potential within apples – well my point would be this, the nastiest or humble looking apple a russet in the case of my hoped after incoming – is a divine supposedly cider brandy apple. a cider for hyard cider apple perfect but then the English are full of themselves is a Kingston black apple and do not be misled if you ever are about a Thatcher’s cider…an adult beverage… it’s probably about the best you’ll consistantly ever have in your life. oo was that good.. but back to earth and or the point 😉 so? so what if theres seeds in the raisins they get mashed boile straing or some method that deals with their presence and perhaps the “tannin” of those pits adds the body you always dreamed of having in a raisin wine? wine wine has such to deal with! why should raisins? – next on my list of reminders. sulfite. it is generally an evil word to mention a “preservative” but all good things have it and also so do raisins – things are sulphited to protect the color.- this may or may not apply to a try after things but you’ll understand immediately when you make the best looking gutter water ever then realize it tastes good but the color is not as delightful–or your snack homestyle really does look like something that came out of the south end of a north bound bunny. yes that touches on quigley down under/ seleck. but once the magic of finding space to blow hot texas air over shaded and investgatable but largely bird resistant enclosure- investigatable meaning you’ll avoid some wasp surprises yet still have raisins as the birdies didn’t poach them all- and what are you out 2 bucks in electricity and 20 for a cheap fan? if it’s that omg intensive an operation?? but if done right meaning you can bleach the surfaces after for cleaning purpose. you’ll soon be onto other dried anything safely enough storable for the harvests. hint you like tomatoes and don’t you dare deny it! 😉 I can not help but mention sun dried which is possibly a lie 😉 tomatoes are heavenly beefy/meaty on pizza and some roasts you might just note that a raisin is a dried grape but sundried tomotoes are dang expensive creaturex..heh. in the store. and with a blender a puree of fruit sometimes with things ;0 like oo corn syrup i think i’ve read? that dried on waxed paper ends up being a fruit rollup which if rolled up is…a fruit rollup! pemican or nuts pounded into dried meat? very native american “indian” could be tasty and how hard is it to put wet bark in and or chips wood into a metal box and over heat to make deliberately a green wood fire that everyone laughs is boyscout fail no.1 but in reality is bbq master haha you fools laughing at the children!! yes i hint you not smoke your raisins but sun dried tomatoes? that’d be weird but wicked gourmet. or.again, so? so what if there’s seed you aren’t necessarily becoming cain of the bible with his fruits of his farming offered up to his brother able who…lets just ruin the story now buys the “farm” in that story 😉

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